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BATSU!, Face Off Unlimited, and Giant Fox Studios are not responsible for any damages or injuries sustained while playing the BATSU! Card Game. This includes injuries to your pride. Have fun, be smart, know your limits. BATSU!
Consent and Privacy Notice
Consent is cool - this game is only fun when everyone is a willing participant and batsu recipient. Respect people’s privacy when filming punishments and be sure to only do so with permission. And when you do... tag us!
BATSU!, Face Off Unlimited, and Giant Fox Studios are not responsible for any damages or injuries sustained while playing the BATSU! Card Game. This includes injuries to your pride. Have fun, be smart, know your limits. BATSU!
Consent and Privacy Notice
Consent is cool - this game is only fun when everyone is a willing participant and batsu recipient. Respect people’s privacy when filming punishments and be sure to only do so with permission. And when you do... tag us!