Watashi Suzume terms of use

Watashi Suzume and its assets are owned exclusively by Shamrock Creations LLC.
All use outside of those permitted are unlawful and a breach of copyright law.

Watashi Suzume and its myths, culture, and representation of certain individuals are entirely fictitious.
Although inspired by many aspects of Japanese folklore and culture, it is not an accurate depiction of such.
Any resemblance to any real world people, places, or events are solely coincidental in nature.
By playing you are agreeing that you are at least fourteen years of age.

Watashi Suzume contains with it certain lights, patterns, and imagery that may have the potential to seizures in some individuals.
A small percentage of people may experience seizures when exposed to certain lights or imagery.
If you are prone to such seizures, or have experienced one before in the past, please consult your healthcare professional before playing.
Some people may also experience seizures without prior incident or knowledge.
Proceed with caution, and at your own risk.

By playing Watashi Suzume, you agree with the mentioned conditions.