Kaleye is a rich digital kaleidoscope with custom reflection shapes, roaming particles and fractal functionality, It is designed to create hybrid shapes from your photos, videos and camera stream, to help you in conceiving new spaces, creatures and artifacts.
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Early Access Software

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Note: This Early Access software is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to use this software in its current state, then you should wait to see if it progresses further in development. Learn more

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“The software is almost finished, but we are not ready for the launch, that will be synchronized between multiple platforms. We also need user feedback to improve Kaleye.”

Approximately how long will this software be in Early Access?

“We exactly don't know yet; between 3 months and one year”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“- Mac and Linux version. Note that mac and linux version will still have lower camera stream support because of limits of the involved plugin.
- New kind of particles from PNG
- Capability to record a video
- Integrated full help
- More animation features
- More control on automatic version”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“This version contains what we advertise in the main description and does not contain any known bug”

Will this software be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“Yes, the price will increase in the final release.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We will ask for feedback in the Kaleye community discussion section”
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About This Software

Kaleye is an image mixer, rich of settings and features, that uses your pictures, videos, and camera stream to combine them in new shapes.

Main features

  • Shape: the traditional kaleidoscopes will reflect an image in shape of exxagon, or other regular polygons. Kaleye offers a wide variety of completely customizable shapes, even irregular and asymmetrical, to break the perception of a global pattern and create natural and organic structures.
  • Particles: Kaleye let you to explode a picture in particles and blend them in several ways with the main mirrored subject. This feature can be used to enrich in details and effects the picture in unpredictable ways, altering the material perception.
  • Fractals: it's possible to obtain recursive figures combining the original image with its already processed version, to process it again in an endless loop. You can chose what part of the picture will be the first generation of the fractal and wich part the following ones, and import costumized filter shapes.

    Kaleye can also create simple animations interpolating user-defined keyframes, or explore a given folder of pictures automatically, moving cameras randomly and changing reflection shapes.

    Main usages

    • Brainstormign: Kaleye combines the images that you provide in unexpected ways, for this reason it is a good tool to prototype characters, environments or artifacts with specified features and materials. For example, you could get suggestions to design new robots shooting metal compoents and filtering them with Kaleye; or you can create solarpunk buildings adding vegetation particles to modern transformed glass structures.
    • Digital kaleidoscope: Kaleye can digitally simulate a kaleidoscope, creating abstract geometrical figures and light effects to give a sense of peace and order. The traditionals stones and shells in analogic kaleidoscopes are replaced with particles: there are a lot of parameters to manage them and the way in wich they blend with the main image.
    • Flusso perpetuo: grazie alla sua modalità automatica, una volta definita una cartella di foto interessanti con un certo tema, Kaleye provvede a rielaborarle in un flusso animato spontaneo e sempre nuovo, che può essere usato per intrattenere, arricchire un ambiente e ispirare.
    • Perpetual flow: thanks to its automatic mode, once you have defined a folder with interesting themed pictures, Kaleye will elaborate them in an animated spontaneous and constantly new flow, that can be used to entertain your guests or to enrich an environment.

    Trailer music: Jiāng by Rainbow Island

System Requirements

    • OS *: Windows 8.1
    • Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M
    • Storage: 200 MB available space
    • Sound Card: Not required
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.
    • OS: Sierra
    • Processor: 2.4 GHz dual core
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Storage: 180 MB available space
    • Sound Card: Not required
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