DELUGE is the story of a village under siege. As the village of Figaro begins a dangerous tradition, an evil entity arrives to mark their own momentous occasion. When one of their minions goes rogue, he finds himself the key to Figaro's survival.
All Reviews:
Positive (30) - 93% of the 30 user reviews for this game are positive.
Release Date:
Nov 30, 2021

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About This Game

DELUGE is the story of a village under siege. As the town of Figaro begins a dangerous tradition, an evil entity arrives to mark their own momentous occasion. When one of their minions goes rogue, he finds himself the key to Figaro's survival. Will you protect the people of Figaro, or join in on the chaos?


DELUGE is a short, exploration-centric horror RPG created by Riggy2k3.


  • Traditional roleplaying elements mixed with a dash of classic survival horror
  • A variety of ghastly creatures to defeat - mimics, ghosts and skeletons galore
  • 9 different buildings, brimming with monsters, treasure and a slowly-unfolding narrative
  • A rich, atmospheric soundtrack written by Jazzweather, Those Damn Bloodsuckers and Midnight Laboratory

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

Pixelated blood, violence and death.

System Requirements

    • OS *: Microsoft® Windows® XP/Vista/7/8.
    • Processor: Intel® Pentium®4 1.5GHz.
    • Memory: 256 MB RAM
    • Graphics: 1024x768 or better video resolution in High Color mode
    • Storage: 650 MB available space
    • Sound Card: DirectSound-compatible sound card.
* Starting January 1st, 2024, the Steam Client will only support Windows 10 and later versions.

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