Squeeks: Trickshot Festival
🐥 Squeeks: Trickshot Festival is a cutesy physics puzzle game where you have to deliver to the destination as many adorable little chickens as possible. One more thing, Squeeks love to clump up, so what are you waiting for - let’s get rolling! 🐥
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About This Game

Squeek (Flavum circum) is a loveable bi-pedal avian that loves company. A flock of squeeks is known as a ball, for their love of clumping together. A ball of squeeks travels by rolling from one place to another, causing adorable mayhem along the way.

🐥Rollin, Rollin, Rollin🐥

Squeeks: Trickshot Festival puts you up to the hilarious challenge of rolling a ball of squeeks through an obstacle course to the target spot while losing as few precious chicks to traps, laws of physics and other hazards as possible.

🐥Preparing the track🐥

Before and during the game, you will be able to deploy interactables such as crates and trampolines, which will alter the chicks’ trajectory or give them an extra boost! Once you have stacked the odds in your favor, launch the squeeks and actively guide them in, over and around structures.

System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel i5 4th gen or equivalent
    • Memory: 4 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M or equivalent
    • Storage: 2 GB available space
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